2024 Contest

The results of the 2024 Rash Awards in Fiction and Poetry have been announced.

2024 Rash Award in Fiction
Judged by Joanna Pearson


Taylor Brown, “The Trembling Earth”

Honorable Mentions

Herb Zarov, “Soul Mates”

Other Finalists

Glenn Armocida, “Porch Time”

George Bandy, “The Thing Visitors Carry Away”

Daniel Bay, “The Sidewalks Around Norbert J.”

Samantha Marie Daniels, “Yellow”

Patricia Ljutic, “Life’s Work”

Ray Morrison, “Mother’s Day”

Erika Seshadri, “The Duchess”

Jamie Simpher, “Unfinished Stories”

John Thomson, “Light of the Evening Sun”

Nick T. Watson, “Green-Eyed Hannah”

2024 Rash Award in Poetry
Judged by Jaki Shelton Green


Summer Hardinge, “Contents of Lincoln’s Pockets”

Honorable Mentions

Ali Beheler, “Looming”

Daryl Herring, “Stigmata in Nature”

Dianne Mason, “Easter at Enchanted Rock”

Claire Scott, “Where to Begin Again”

Other Finalists

George Bandy, “For the God No Longer Known”

Peter Bergquist, “Columbus Day Storm”

Dorothy Howe Brooks, “Time Like a Rabbit”

Sharon Charde, “For the Longest Time”

Barbara Conrad, “Reincarnation”

Lauren Crawford, “Gone”

Kristin W. Davis, “Against Resilience”

Memory Derthick, “Letter from the Garden, Pocked with Melt”

Melissa Knox Evans, “Milk and Fire”

Joseph Geskey, “Liminality”

Daniel Ginsburg, “The Officers’ Club”

Keith Gorman, “Frankie Baby”

J.D. Hibbitts, “Tobacco Farmhand, Age 11”

Jeanne Julian, “Shortfall (Family Edition)”

Philip Andrew Lisi, “Order of Operations”

Robert McCall, “Sunday Burning”

John Schneider, “Selvedge”

Matthew J. Spireng, “Landscape”

Bob Wickless, “Feathers”

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